If you're on the hunt for the best plumbers in Lismore NSW, you're in the right place. Below is a simple guide of what to look for when choosing a local service provider.
Are they qualified? - Steve's licence is 146470c
Plumbing & gas installation is one of the most regulated trades on site because of its very dangerous nature.
To train as a professional plumber takes a four-year apprenticeship, another year to get their plumbing licence and many qualifications.
You wouldn't want a surgeon operating on you who wasn't fully qualified, so why settle for a plumber who's not fully qualified?
Unfortunately, there are still lots of people out there claiming to be plumbers who haven't completed the correct training.
Ask to see their certificates and qualifications.
Check the department of fair trading website for a plumber’s licence.
Are they insured? - We are!
Plumbers in Lismore NSW, and every other tradesperson has to have public liability insurance to cover them for accidents or faulty work.
Plumbers have to have a minimum of $10 million cover.
Ask to see the insurance certificate if you're concerned.
We are glad to say we have a public liability policy that covers us for $20 million.
Plus we have professional indemnity and workers compensation.
Testimonials - We have plenty on Google & Facebook!
Check out the tradesperson's customer testimonials and reviews.
Look on their website to see if they have a page with quotations from happy customers.
It's always good to see what other people's experience of that tradesperson's services is.